SCOTT “DELUXE” DRAKE is an individual whom I’ve proudly been acquainted with for well over sixteen years now; back in my young twenties, his nascent band
THE HUMPERS would crash on my floor and back up my toilet every time they came through San Francisco. Given their (undeserved) lack of profile at the time (1991 and 1992), a layperson like me was even given the opportunity to help book them shows at out-of-the-way dives across town, which they of course blew the doors off of. Of course, a limited subset of residents of Southern California had already been thrilling to the
rock hijinks and shenanigans of Scott Drake and his older brother Jeff for almost a decade, with Scott in the glamtastic,
HEARTBREAKERS-esque punk group the
SUICIDE KINGS and of course vis-à-vis Jeff’s fantastic glory stompers
THE JONESES. When The Humpers roared in with leather jackets blazing in the hot SoCal sun at the dawn of the 90s, the rest of the planet began to take some notice as well, and The Humpers cranked out several great loud-ass, Cleveland-punk-revering albums and 45s through the rest of the decade. Three of them came out on Epitaph Records not long after that particular label had generated a boatload of cash from several crossover punk rock hits, which enabled the smaller, more true-to-form bands on the label (
like The Humpers) to tour to infinity & the great beyond, and to also generate a rabid, if small, following outside of the LA basin.
Eight years later, and after a brief one-album pit stop in a rawkin combo called
THE VICE PRINCIPALS, the now-Portland, Oregon-resident Drake is still putting out hotshit new records under his own moniker, with longtime collaborator
JEFF FIELDHOUSE (ex-Suicide Kings and Humpers, currently of
8-FOOT TENDER, who put out a 2003 CD with Drake as well). The brand new one is called
“GRAND MAL”, and I was so impressed by the keep-the-faith roar of the thing, I reckoned it was time for a Deluxe Drake mp3 retrospective. Here are five love bombs from the man’s storied career – and do keep your eye peeled for the “Grand Mal” CD; it comes out officially on June 12th. (two tracks from it are below).
Play or Download THE SUICIDE KINGS – “Take Yer Medicine” (from 1985 7”EP on Adult Negro records)Play or Download THE HUMPERS – “Up Yer Heart” (from 1992 CD “Positively Sick on 4th Street”)Play or Download THE VICE PRINCIPALS - "Snitch" (from 2000 LP "After School With The Vice Principals")Play or Download SCOTT “DELUXE” DRAKE – “Grand Mal” (from 2007 CD “Grand Mal”) Play or Download SCOTT “DELUXE” DRAKE – “Shanghai Cabaret” (from 2007 CD “Grand Mal”)
the humpers... hmmm... another fine band that never made it to europe :-(
must've played their cover of chuck berry's "run, run rudolph" on the Baby Jesus Sympathy CD a thousand times...
Hey - thanks for these. I've spent alot more time listening to his bro's bands, but no one can say these tracks aren't totally great.
The Humpers actually did tour Europe....1995, I think. The Netherlands / Spain / Portugal / Germany and Italy.
Didn't they even have an LP come out on a Croatian label?
Humpers in Europe? Must’ve been on one of these big alternative festivals over here; an Epitaph package full of crappy punk boy bands. Not my idea of a good night’s out…
No, Luke, The Humpers toured Europe alone....and played with bands like The Pleasure Fuckers, Temporal Sluts and Gas Huffer (other than Gas Huffer, I think Joykiller was the only other Epitaph band in Europe at the time).
The first album was released by the "Listen Loudest" label in 1990......I think it was still Yugoslavia at that point.....not sure when Croatia officially became independent.
Yep, Listen Loudest was always billed as a Yugo label. Viva Kaoticne Duse'! Hey, how come the Suicide Kings great version of "96 Tears" from their debut 7" was left off the comp CD? That was the cut that introduced me to the band, as played on Andrea 'Enthal's late lamented 12 O'Clock Rock gig circa '88. Being a Question Mark and the Mysterians fan, it got me hooked on mailordering their second single from the label (debut was sold out but I found it for $1 at a little store in La Habra around the same time). KI
That comp CD is a bootleg....some of the info in the liner notes is wrong too.
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