Man, the laffs I’ve had over the years making fun of
CIRCLE ONE, a second-wave Los Angeles hardcore band famous for being one of the very first bands to inspire their own gang. I mean gang as in Surenos and Nortenos, as in Bloods and Crips. As in the LMP’s, the FFFs and the Suicidals. Then I put on their hit song “Destroy Exxon”, and all laughs are temporarily ceased. What a ripper! This 1981 classic came out on Smoke Seven records comp LP called
“Public Service” (pictured), a collection that also featured
BAD RELIGION and a couple of lesser lights. This is ripped-jean, muscle-flex bandanna hardcore of the highest order. Of course it’s still totally ridiculous – but you’ll learn to love it!
Play or Download CIRCLE ONE – “Destroy Exxon”
yo jay,
wow...classic cut. not sure if i had ever heard a circle one tune before , at least not one i can remember. was it true their vocalist, john mascias was shot by the cops a few years ago? the photos i've seen of that guy he always looked meanacing. wonder if he and rollins ever got into it (meaning a fight...not sex)?
thx, tim
That was more than a few years ago. Sometime in the '80's, I think he threw a cop off a pier and was shot shortly afterwards. The story is detailed a little better in the liner notes to the Desperate Teenage Lovedolls cd.
There was a retrospective Circle One CD that came out a few years ago on the GTA label. I don't have it but I assume the liners in that one explain the whole thing about the singer getting killed, etc. A more polished version of "Destroy Exxon" later appeared on Circle One's "Patterns of Force" LP from '83 or '84-- I prefer this rawer on from '81. There are some great memorable songs on their LP like "Social Climbing Leeches" and "Pride" but then some generic HC tunes and then even some knucklehead lyrics thrown in the mix. Yawn. The infamous Lost and Found label released an LP worth of live and demo stuff from Circle One in the early 90's. I haven't listened to it in years but I don't remember it being that memorable.
P.S. Check out my blog:
I put a perma link on there for Detailed Twang since you all are one of my favorite blogs.
ass kisser
Ass kisser- LOL! Good one!
Ah, Circle One. Combining East LA cholo culture and fundamentalist Christianity with hardcore punk, and attracting a very scary following. Macias was quite a scary MF himself. As a band, they were on the so-bad-its-good level...
circle one is a dope as band.
Circle one is a crazy great band youll never hear anyhting like them they are great. you should check them out www.myspace.com/circle1 and also they well be playing with my band train of thaught at the knitting factory in hollywood june.29th 2008 you all need to go its going to be a tite as show.
Show some respect weak ass fucks. RIP John, you have finally found peace. Long live our Family, nobody in the scene handled business like we did back then. John Macias is a legend. Circle One, a unique band that did HC their own way. The Family, The baddest of the bad.
John was a good man, and did more for the punk scene and all those homeless punk kids than half the agencies in Hollywood.
R.I.P. J.M.
Circle fucking One ese!
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