"....I'd like to turn you onto an extant combo from the UK called THE BRISTOLS. Sure, I'd heard of them as well and always figured they were one of many HEADCOATS knockoffs playing marginal if catchy garage rock. (I believed this beause a Headcoat, one Bruce Brand, was also a Bristol). It was only when I was turned onto lead singer Fabienne Delsol's excellent solo spy-girl surfbeat record from this past year, "No Time For Sorrows" that I decided to dig further, and hot dog, this is probably my favorite no-longer-new band of the hour. Here, don't let me tell you about them, let's hear what their label has to say:
Fabienne Delsol & Liam Watson's garage supergroup featuring amongst its ranks Bruce Brand (Milkshakes/Headcoats), Owen Thomas (Graham Coxon Band/Cee Bee Beaumont), Parsley (The Adventures of Parsley / Dutronc / Dee Rangers), and the glorious vocal talents of Miss Fabienne Delsol. They released two full length albums on Damaged Goods and three singles.
They released their first single on Hangman's Daughter in 1994 followed by a split single with Japans Thee Michelle Gun Elephant a year later on Vinyl Japan. Then they released two singles and albums on Damaged Goods before calling it a day in 2003.
After the split Fabienne Delsol has gone solo and released one album so far, 'No Time For Sorrows' (produced by Liam Watson at Toe Rag) and is currently working on her follow up due for release in 2007.
THE BRISTOLS' music is exuberant, simple as hell, fuzzed-out and stripped-down girl pop, the kind that makes a ye ye fan like myself swoon. Check out these two killers from their back catalog, and then order yourself up the new compilation of their stuff that recently came out."
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