I try to preach the gospel of
“if you think great music isn’t being made today, you’re not paying attention” as much as I can, but until you’re provided with proof, how could you believe me? It’s fairly easy to get caught pining for 1978, or 1981, or 1993, or 1966 – remembering, of course, that there will be a generation who not too long from now will be pining for the rock music made in 2008. I may be one of them myself. With the quick discovery tools made possible by the internet, it’s really not a big stretch to keep up with The State of The Kids in 2008. I’m posting five songs here that I totally dig, all of which were released in the past six months. These 5 (
including Sic Alps, pictured here) are from some of the world’s finest bands right now – others that are musts to check out include
The Nothing People; Tyvek; His Electro Blue Voice; Bad Trips; Miss Alex White & The Red Orchestra; Spider; Cheveu; Black Sunday; Psychedelic Horseshit; Little Claw; Fabienne DelSol; and
The Magnetix. Perhaps there are more! Until we figure it out, please enjoy this smattering of young people’s music, circa 2008.
Play or Download SIC ALPS – “Message From The Law” (from “Description of the Harbor” EP)Play or Download THOMAS FUNCTION – “Relentless Machines” (from 45)Play or Download TIMES NEW VIKING – “Allergy” (from “(My Head)” 7”EP)
Play or Download SONIC CHICKEN 4 – “Sexiest” (from “Sonic Chicken 4” CD)Play or Download KING KHAN & BBQ – “Teabag Party” (from 7”EP)
Boy am I happy you're back posting again! Nice list--I'd suggest you check out the latest UK sensation,Glasvegas for your craving of noise pop a la Johnny Boy.
I took a handful of those songs-- thank you sir!
'Course the Little Claw and Bad Trips LPs were outta print the week they came out. Second pressings, anyone? Who the heck're the Google-confounding Black Sunday and Spider?
Black Sunday are a side project for the prolific "Alicjia Trout", and they have a great 45 named after an Italian horror movie that I'm going to post tomorrow or Wednesday. Spider have an EP on Hozac Records - they cover a Red Cross tune, totally great synth-driven garage punk.
Aha. Alicja Trout's her real name, by the way.
Says user is out of bandwidth....
Thanks for letting me know - that's been fixed - JAY
Excellent post - I've been meaning to check out a few of those bands and hadn't gotten to it yet. Must get myself to a mailorder post-haste!
jay, this is one of the entries that deserves to be reposted
Thomas Function Fucking Rocks
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